7/29/24. The Footless Girls Of Camp C now out on Audible ACX

7/29/24. Shows is proud to announce that his book “The Footless Girls Of Camp C” is now available on Audible, I-Tunes and Amazon.

What an amazing six-month trip it was to bring the book to life in such a cool way. Narrated by Shows at twenty-two hours long and about 36 different voices. The emotion he brings to the work will make you laugh, think and at times …. cry.

Shows is ultimately grateful to Joel Patterson at www.joelpatterson.us for his technical wizardry in the production and recording of the work at Mountaintop Studios in Petersburg, NY. If you have any audio or video recording needs, Joel is your guy and he now has a drone for that special angle.

John Cehowski, from Schenectady, NY, was kind enough to let his song “If We Could Only” be used in the book. John not only wrote the song, he recorded the vocals, and keyboard at Mountaintop Studio. You will sob after hearing that song in the context of the book.

Shows is also proud to have worked with Deena Chappell from Saratoga, NY, who did the editing and made the book so much better.

In addition, Shows worked with Mike DuBois, from Woodstock, NY, to create the artwork for the cover and the back. Mike took a hand-drawn scribble and came up with one of the most compelling book covers you will ever see.

This has been a long strange trip for Shows, encompassing forty-eight years of secrecy, thought, reflection, research and mental effort. He started with handwritten notes in 1976 before computers were available to the public. Then he started typing on a manual typewriter in 1978 and in 1980 was able to access an electric typewriter, not getting a computer until the 1990’s.

He suffered crashes that erased the work and had to be re-created a few times. He kept at it, behind the scenes of his life and work while never talking to anyone about his strange adventure.

After the conclusion of a forty-five year long non-disclosure agreement in 2001, he knew he had it in him to finalize the book and spent his time digging deep to bring the book to fruition in digital, paper and now audio formats.

Now he is wondering if he could get a movie made. It would have to be in a few parts or perhaps a series. Who knows? That is the next trip.