6/9/24 Make It Go Away

6/9/24 Make It Go Away

6/9/24. John Cehowski‘s utterly devastating song “If We Could Only”. This song is included near the end of Shows’ book #thefootlessgirlsofcampc If you can listen to this and not be moved………………………
John’s note:
Written from the perspective of a child, hoping to find a way out of an abusive situation. This song will be included in the audiobook version of “The Footless Girls Of Camp C”, by Shows Leary.
If We Could Only – John Cehowski (Lyrics Below)
If we could only
Find a place to hide out
Just until the morning
Just until sunrise
Maybe then, tomorrow
Things will all be different
Things will all be better
In the new day’s light
If we could only
Find a place to run to
A place where there’s no anger
No fear, and there’s no pain
Maybe then, tomorrow
Things will all be different
Things will all be better
In the light of day
Make it go away, The Monster that hides in the shadows
Make it go away, The evil that lurks outside the door
Make it go away, The punishment by the protector
Make it go away, I don’t think we can take it anymore
If we could only
Find a sanctuary
A Haven from the madness
Of a world that’s gone insane
I pray that we will find one, and hope that it’s tomorrow
I pray that we will find one, Each and every day
Go to the Tour Dates and Videos page for the video. Or copy and paste the link below. Get some Kleenex ready, you’re heart’s gonna break.