5/2/24. Audiobook update.

5/2/24. Shows and Joel Patterson are working hard on the audiobook version of “The Footless Girls Of Camp C”. Joel has been making technical edits to the completed spoken work. Today they recorded bass tracks for the beginning of the book, the chapter breaks and the scene breaks. Joel will be working on inserting those tracks into the master file while Shows continues listening to the book and making suggestions for edits.
A few tech heads have inquired as to which DAW program Joel uses to record this work. Joel commented that he uses Digital Performer 10 on his MacBook (it can be used on Windows as well). This program offers so much flexibility not only with the initial recording requirements for publishers such as Amazon, but the editing options are endless, allowing for micro adjusting of sound levels and deletion and insertion of edited sections with absolutely seamless inserts. Check it out….Shows is impressed.